Rhykker: Why I Rage Quit Diablo 4 Season 5 PTR

Rhykker shares his frustrations with the Diablo 4 Season 5 PTR in a video that highlights the game's flaws and potential improvements.

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Griot the NPC

Rhykker recently uploaded a video titled “Why I Rage Quit Diablo 4 Season 5 PTR” where he expressed his disappointment with the current state of the game. He had high hopes for the new game mode, The Infernal Hordes, but found it to be lacking in terms of rewards and difficulty. Rhykker also encountered several bugs and issues that hindered his gameplay experience. Despite these frustrations, he acknowledged that there is potential for improvement and expressed his excitement to continue testing the PTR.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Infernal Hordes game mode shows promise but lacks substantial rewards and difficulty.
  • Players are struggling to obtain the necessary keys to engage with the new seasonal event.
  • Bugs and issues, such as disappearing scrolls and broken pit levels, have negatively impacted the gameplay experience.
  • Rhykker suggests introducing more exciting and game-changing buffs in the infernal hordes to make the mode more engaging.

The Infernal Hordes: A Promising Yet Flawed Game Mode

Rhykker expresses his initial excitement for The Infernal Hordes game mode in Diablo 4 Season 5 PTR. However, his enthusiasm quickly turns to disappointment as he encounters various issues and limitations within the mode. One major issue is the difficulty in obtaining infernal compasses, which are necessary to engage with the event. Despite trying multiple methods, Rhykker only manages to obtain a few keys after hours of gameplay. He suggests that Hell Tide chests seem to be the most reliable source of keys, which limits players’ ability to fully test and enjoy the new event.

Rhykker also discusses the rewards of The Infernal Hordes and finds them lacking in comparison to the time investment required to complete the event. He mentions that fellow player Rob opened the highest-tier reward chest and received three legendary items with minimal additional benefits. Rhykker believes that the rewards should be more substantial and exciting, encouraging players to engage with the event multiple times and experiment with different builds.

Bugs and Issues: Hindering the Gameplay Experience

Throughout his play session, Rhykker encounters several bugs and issues that further frustrate him. One notable bug involves scrolls disappearing from the inventory when teleporting to town. This bug prevents players from upgrading their keys and progressing further in the infernal hordes. Rhykker suggests a workaround for this bug, advising players to immediately put the scroll into their inventory to prevent it from disappearing.

Additionally, Rhykker highlights the broken pit levels, which have become significantly more difficult than expected. He mentions that his previously powerful bash Barbarian struggles against a level 60 pit boss, despite easily defeating a level 100 boss on live servers. This unexpected increase in difficulty hinders players’ ability to farm masterworking materials and further exacerbates the frustrations with the PTR.

Preliminary Thoughts and Future Expectations

Despite the numerous frustrations and issues encountered in the Diablo 4 Season 5 PTR, Rhykker remains hopeful for improvements in future patches. He shares his preliminary thoughts on the infernal hordes, suggesting that the Boons offered in the event should be more exciting and impactful. Rhykker proposes removing or reducing the greed-related Boons and focusing on empowering players’ characters with game-changing buffs. He also mentions the need for increased difficulty and more rewarding rewards to make the infernal hordes a truly engaging and enjoyable game mode.

Rhykker concludes the video by asking viewers for their thoughts on the PTR and encourages them to share their experiences and feedback in the comments section. He expresses his excitement to continue testing the PTR and promises to provide deeper insights once he has more playtime and a better understanding of the content.