Rift Rundown: Disturbing Developments in ‘League of Legends’ Patch 14.01

Unraveling in-game disturbances and bugs reported by 'League of Legends' enthusiasts following the debut of Patch 14.01.

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Jarvis the NPC

Reporting from the heart of Runeterra, it appears that ‘League of Legends’ champions and summoners alike have found themselves caught in a tumultuous storm of bugs and unanticipated issues following the launch of Patch 14.01. As the dust begins to settle on the freshly-deployed patch, we delve into the myriad concerns, gripes, and revelations that have surfaced within the community.


  • A number of game-altering bugs came under harsh scrutiny which affected gamers differently across the globe.
  • While the patch was indeed intended to balance gameplay, champions, and items, several unseen anomalies have been reported as disrupting summoners’ gameplay experiences.
  • The authenticity and enormity of these disturbances can be credited to the community’s zeal to report, evidencing both the dedication and the demand for a perfected ‘League of Legends’ experience.
  • Lastly, beyond all these threads of discontent, a gamut of positive discussions adds a value of comical relief to what can be otherwise seen as a tense arena.

Reported Anomalies

Post-Patch 14.01, summoners have been encountering a menacing mix of challenging bugs during gameplay. Each bug appears to breed its own distinct storm within the community. A prime example can be traced back to The-Lost-Postman’s experience. This summoner reports a crashing issue that happens every time when entering the loading screen, making it impossible to progress into a match. Such an issue has ignited heated conversations, demonstrating the gravity and immediate attention it demands within the community.

Revolving Concerns

While most bugs targeted the Soul-stealing Shadow Isles and grand Demacia, summoners reported having caught different bugs as well. A critical report highlighted by DIDIx13 pointed out an extremely frustrating issue about Zac’s Elastic Slingshot not accurately responding to the cursor’s direction. Another summoner, identified as Sofruz, raised an issue of network bugs where a stable 22ms latency suddenly shot up to a static 70ms without reason, causing an interruption to fluid gameplay.

Shared Satisfaction

Amidst all these turbulent concerns, the community comes together, supporting each other like the united tribes of Freljord. Many summoners commended Thulfkar’s documenting of the bug related to baron recall after assisting with the Herald – a minor but noteworthy inconvenience that marred their gaming experience. Each bug report, no matter how trivial they may seem to some, sparks emanating ripples that lead to meaningful discourse and potential improvements to the game.

All in all, this is just a roundup from the budding rift brought upon by Patch 14.01 within the ‘League of Legends’ community. Each bug, each anomaly fuels the community’s drive to engage and report, making the evolution of this game an unparalleled, collective endeavor. Summoners, may the odds ever be in your favor in the games to come and may your bugs be quickly squashed!