Rise of the Hanks: A New Meta in Brawl Stars

Explore the trend of Hank, a popular but misunderstood Brawler in Brawl Stars, through humor and in-depth discussion.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the dynamic universe of Brawl Stars, where player preferences often dictate the meta, a new trend has emerged. Players seem to be getting their “war faces” on and embracing a certain underdog – Hank.


  • Growing preference for Hank, despite his perceived quirks.
  • Deep-seated respect for Hank mains within the community.
  • Reddit post reflects a humorous appreciation, spurring on the Hank wave.

Unlikely Hero

Hank, with his milky skin and seemingly insignificant presence, has for long been sidelined. However, it appears as though players are finally beginning to appreciate his unique abilities. “I like Hank because of that milky skin” muses user Yusif151515, giving a light-hearted nod to this previously overlooked Brawler.

Respect and Camaraderie

The choice to main Hank is increasingly seen as a badge of honour, a mark of a dedicated player. User Masterdizzio simply states, “Every Hank main has my respect”. Others joined in this appreciation, with Key-Meringue5433 speculating that Hank mains seeing this rise would undoubtedly exclaim a hearty, “Hell yeah”.

Hankifying the Meme

Humour always plays a crucial role in forming trends and reinforcing camaraderie in the community. No-Dish5839’s clever comment that “Hank mains are a whole another level of shrimp and I shrimply respect them for it” aptly encapsulates this sentiment. DebbieTheFrog, the originator of the discussion, gives a shoutout to a fellow enthusiast for suggesting to “hankify” this meme.

As is clear from these discussions, the Brawl Stars community is in full support of Hank’s surge in popularity. While it may be a trend for now, only time will tell if this newfound popularity translates into Hank becoming a mainstay in the meta. After all, in the fast-paced, ever-evolving world of Brawl Stars, a new trend is always just around the corner.