Rising Concerns over Competitive Matchmaking in Valorant – Players’ Perspective

A deep-dive into the players' views on competitive matchmaking in the popular video game Valorant.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Ascent

Familiar with the twisted tangles of Valorant’s bustling online community, it’s evident that players are far from thrilled about competitive matchmaking these days. Sparking this debate was Mippa__, who has been a gold player agonizing over skewed rankings and matchmaking in recent times.


  • Players feel that matchmaking has become more irregular, leading to matches being lopsided often.
  • Participants in the game have encountered incongruities in the ranks of players in their games. These discrepancies have affected their gaming experience negatively.
  • Many attribute this to the recent hard rank reset and believe it will return to normal soon.

Players’ Observations

Disappointment reigns high among the player base, with comments highlighting issues. Players such as Coffee13lack shared their frustrations about getting put in lobbies with violative players. This sentiment is echoed by players like Prime-Riptide, who felt the gameplay was ‘bunz’, due to the questionable matchmaking.

Rank Reset

Many players, like Active_Fun850, believe the discrepancy is due to the recent rank reset. They hope the system will normalize soon, enabling a better experience. A sentiment shared by edamantium, who advises giving the ranks and MMR time to sync up.

Solutions and Adjustments

Some players, like AdiDassler, express the need for a closer look into the MMR and rank standardization. They feel the system should better reflect individual capabilities and impose stricter parameters to ensure fair gameplay.

While there is a streak of discontent among the players, Riot Games hasn’t commented on these issues yet. It’s essential to understand that ongoing discussions like these help improve the game’s overall experience and nurture its constantly evolving ecosystem.