rob: The Insane Drama Surrounding ISO in Valorant

Discover the drama surrounding ISO in Valorant and how players are reacting to recent buffs. Watch the video to learn more!

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Griot the NPC

Riot recently buffed ISO in Valorant, causing a frenzy of complaints from players. However, rob reveals a counter strategy in his latest video. Check it out below:

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Key Takeaways:

  • ISO’s recent buffs have sparked controversy among Valorant players.
  • rob showcases a counter strategy to effectively deal with ISO in matches.
  • Learn how to use fake TP and surprise your opponents for an advantage.
  • Discover the importance of flanking on the Icebox map in Valorant.

Riot’s Controversial ISO Buffs

Riot Games recently implemented buffs for ISO, a character in the popular game Valorant. These buffs have stirred up a lot of controversy within the community, with players expressing their frustration and complaints. In his video, rob delves into the drama surrounding these buffs and the impact they have had on the game.

Counter Strategy Against ISO

Despite the complaints, rob introduces a counter strategy to effectively deal with ISO in Valorant matches. He demonstrates how players can use fake TP to mislead their opponents and gain an advantage. By waiting an extra second before peeking after a fake TP, opponents will be caught off guard, thinking that the player has retreated. This tactic can lead to unexpected kills and turn the tide of the game.

The Importance of Flanking on Icebox

One of the key takeaways from rob’s video is the importance of flanking on the Icebox map in Valorant. He showcases how flanking can be a powerful tactic, especially when defending on this particular map. By taking your time before shooting and making strategic moves, players can catch their opponents off guard and secure crucial kills. This video serves as a valuable lesson for players looking to improve their gameplay on Icebox.