Rogue vs. Team Vitality – LEC 2024 Summer: A Rollercoaster of Throws and Outplays

Exploring the chaotic clash between Rogue and Team Vitality in the LEC 2024 Summer matches.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends fans were on the edge of their seats as Rogue faced off against Team Vitality in a thrilling matchup during the LEC 2024 Summer Week 1.


  • Rogue showcased strong gameplay, securing a victory over Team Vitality.
  • Team Vitality’s erratic performance led to mixed reactions from fans.
  • Fans highlighted standout players and criticized questionable decisions during the match.

Insane Plays by Finn

Redditor MoltenWings praised Finn’s exceptional skills, noting how he outplayed his opponents consistently throughout the game. Finn’s performance was a key factor in Rogue’s success.

Throwing or Outplaying?

Commenter Pelagius_Hipbone humorously questioned whether Team Vitality’s penchant for throwing games clashed with Rogue’s struggle to close out matches. This dynamic added an element of unpredictability to the match.

Hylissang’s Rollercoaster Performance

Redditor Clithertron jokingly called for a team for Carzzy, highlighting the challenges faced by individual players like Hylissang in maintaining consistency during the game.

Darkoplax shared a similar sentiment by pointing out Hylissang’s run of unfortunate plays, drawing attention to the impact of individual mistakes in team dynamics.