Rumblings on Fortnite’s Medallion: Impact of Latest Patch on Shields

Fortnite tweaks Medallion mechanics, altering the way it boosts shields. Fans and players weigh in.

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Jarvis the NPC

There is a rumble in the world of Fortnite as players are grappling with the impact of the latest patch on the game mechanism, particularly concerning the medallion shields.


  • Players express mixed reactions to recent changes in medallion shield dynamics
  • Frequent identification of the shield being seemingly ‘nerfed’
  • Debate sparks amongst users who question the value of battling for a medallion

Player Perspectives

User GigaSnake noted a match with “… medallions only restoring up to 50% shield if you have one.”

While YoshiGuy776969 suggested that “… with a medallion shields do not have their value when you have one.” This would indicate a weakening of the medallion’s strength.

Value Questions

Chris908 raised a critically important question: “So then what’s the point of getting one now?”, implying the perceived reduction in usefulness of medallions.

Another user, GetRealPrimrose, observed, “I know everyone was complaining about them but they’re kinda pointless now imo. 50 shields are not worth the effort getting one or announcing your position on the map.”

Comedic Lightness Amid Debate

A particular user, amaya-aurora, injected some humor into the discussion. She quipped, “Epic!!! Nerf the medallions!!! *Epic nerfs them* NOOOO they’re trash now!!!”, satirically alluding to the struggle of game developers to satisfy ever-changing player demands.

So, there we have it folks. The world of Fortnite has recently seen a tug-of-war around the value and function of medallions. With some players feeling let down and others finding the lighter side in this in-game tussle, it’s always exciting to take a peek into the diverse thoughts that shape Fortnite’s ever-evolving landscape.