Ryley – Clash Royale: The Little Prince Nerf and Dominating with Log Bait

Ryley discusses the upcoming nerf to The Little Prince card in Clash Royale and showcases his dominance with a log bait deck.

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Griot the NPC

Ryley – Clash Royale’s latest video focuses on the upcoming nerf to The Little Prince card in Clash Royale. He highlights the changes and discusses how it will impact gameplay. Ryley also showcases his dominance with a log bait deck, sharing his strategies and gameplay tips.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The upcoming balance changes in Clash Royale include a significant nerf to The Little Prince card.
  • Ryley showcases his dominance with a log bait deck, achieving top rankings in the world.
  • He emphasizes the importance of playing The Little Prince strategically and taking advantage of its abilities.

The Little Prince Nerf:

In his video, Ryley discusses the upcoming balance changes in Clash Royale, specifically focusing on the nerf to The Little Prince card. He explains that the nerf will significantly impact the card’s ability to kill goblins and spear goblins. While Ryley acknowledges that The Little Prince is currently overpowered, he questions the extent of the nerf, stating that it may render the card ineffective against certain units. Despite this, Ryley showcases his skills with the log bait deck, utilizing The Little Prince to achieve top rankings in the world.

Dominating with Log Bait:

Ryley shares his log bait deck, which replaces the traditional Goblin Barrel with The Little Prince. He explains that this modification significantly improves the deck’s performance, making it more versatile and powerful. Ryley demonstrates his aggressive playstyle, utilizing princesses at the bridge to pressure opponents and achieve successful defenses. He advises players to be cautious when facing lava hound and balloon decks, as they pose a challenge for the log bait deck. Ryley highlights the importance of timing and strategic decision-making in order to outplay opponents and secure victories.