SacredAlmighty: The Frustration of Pokemon Conquest Remake

SacredAlmighty expresses his frustration with the Pokemon Conquest Remake in this intense and lengthy video.

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Griot the NPC

SacredAlmighty is back with another episode of Pokemon Conquest Remake, and he is clearly feeling frustrated. In this video, he tackles the challenges of the game and expresses his disappointment with certain aspects of it. He starts off by discussing the remaining kingdoms that he needs to conquer, expressing his fear and uncertainty. However, he decides to tackle one kingdom first, hoping it will be easier and more enjoyable.

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Key Takeaways:

  • SacredAlmighty expresses his frustration and disappointment with certain aspects of the Pokemon Conquest Remake.
  • He discusses the remaining kingdoms he needs to conquer and his fear of the challenges ahead.
  • SacredAlmighty decides to tackle one kingdom first, hoping it will be easier and more enjoyable.
  • He talks about the Pokemon he chooses to bring into battle and his strategies for defeating the enemies.

The Frustration of Pokemon Conquest Remake

In this video, SacredAlmighty shares his honest thoughts and frustrations about the Pokemon Conquest Remake. He expresses his disappointment with certain aspects of the game, particularly the difficulty and the mechanics. SacredAlmighty discusses the remaining kingdoms he needs to conquer and his fear of the challenges that lie ahead. He decides to tackle one kingdom first, hoping it will be easier and more enjoyable.

SacredAlmighty talks about the Pokemon he chooses to bring into battle and his strategies for defeating the enemies. He discusses the strengths and weaknesses of different Pokemon types and how they can be utilized in battle. He also shares his frustration with the RNG mechanics of the game, particularly the misses and critical hits that seem to favor the enemies.

Throughout the video, SacredAlmighty’s frustration becomes more evident as he encounters various obstacles and setbacks. He expresses his dissatisfaction with the game’s difficulty, feeling that it is unfair and unbalanced. Despite his frustrations, SacredAlmighty remains determined to continue playing and conquering the kingdoms in Pokemon Conquest Remake.

If you’re a fan of SacredAlmighty and his Pokemon content, this video provides a glimpse into his experience with the Pokemon Conquest Remake. It showcases his passion for the game and his dedication to overcoming its challenges, even in the face of frustration.