Sailing Woes: Always Going Against the Wind in Skull and Bones – A Reddit Discussion

Sailors on the Skull and Bones subreddit express frustration at always battling the wind in-game.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the online discussions of Skull and Bones players, the topic of always going against the wind has sparked lively debate among the community. The feeling of perpetual struggle with the wind’s direction seems to be a common frustration.


  • Players feel constant frustration when sailing against the wind in Skull and Bones, impacting their gameplay experience.
  • The mechanics of sailing and wind direction in the game may not accurately reflect real-life nautical principles, leading to confusion.
  • Despite attempts to adjust ship angles, the feeling of always facing headwinds persists, causing annoyance among players.

The Winds of Frustration

Players like Aldo_Montoya and ChrisNeale94 shared their exasperation at the persistent headwinds in Skull and Bones, with one even renaming their ship ‘HMS 12Knots’ to humorously reflect the slow progress against the wind.

Navigating the Unfavorable Breezes

nukaflash highlighted the game’s mechanic of tacking against the wind, akin to real sailing, but lamented the rapid and sometimes erratic wind changes that could hinder gameplay.

Ahoy Foes and Floes

Some players like Pyraethon and CthonicThrow noted a perceived increase in the wind’s unfavorable direction post-beta, leading to prolonged periods of battling against the elements, affecting the flow of gameplay.

Living_Dead4157 humorously described the frustration of being outpaced by rogue ships despite similar wind conditions, adding further complexity to the wind dynamics in the game.

Despite attempts to navigate the winds strategically, players still find themselves facing constant headwinds, adding a layer of challenge that some may find frustrating but others may see as an integral part of the game’s mechanics. Whether the winds of change will favor the players in upcoming updates remains to be seen.