Ser Medieval: Exploring the Archer Class & Subclasses in The Quinfall MMORPG

Discover the Archer class and its subclasses in The Quinfall MMORPG as Ser Medieval dives into their unique abilities and playstyle.

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The Quinfall MMORPG introduces the Archer class, a warrior that excels in long-range combat and utilizes their arrows to strike enemies with critical blows. Ser Medieval explores the different subclasses and their distinct features, including their bond with nature and animal companionship.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Archer class is known for its long-range combat and critical strikes
  • Hunters, a subclass of Archers, harness the power of nature and utilize loyal beasts in battle
  • Players hope for permanent animal companionship for the Hunter subclass

Exploring the Archer Class:

The Archer class in The Quinfall MMORPG is a formidable warrior that specializes in ranged combat. They possess the agility and speed to strike enemies from a safe distance while inflicting critical blows. Archers are deeply connected to nature and often form strong bonds with the animals that inhabit the Wilds. This bond allows them to tap into natural abilities and summon animal companions to aid them in battle.

The Hunter Subclass:

As a subclass of the Archer, Hunters in The Quinfall MMORPG live in harmony with the forces of nature. They draw upon the strength of loyal beasts and tap into the powers of nature to enhance their combat abilities. Hunters possess a deep understanding of the Wilds and utilize their animal companions as both allies and weapons. These loyal creatures can provide additional support in battles, making the Hunter subclass a versatile and formidable choice.

Hopes for Animal Companions:

Ser Medieval expresses his hope for the Hunter subclass to have permanent access to an animal companion. While the video does not confirm this feature, the idea of a constant companion adds depth and immersion to the gameplay. Having a loyal beast by their side at all times would further enhance the connection between the Hunter and the natural world, making it a truly unique and engaging playstyle.