SevyPlays: Exploring the New Endgame Mode Imaginarium Theater in Genshin Impact 4.7

Join SevyPlays as he guides you through the basics of Genshin Impact's new endgame mode, Imaginarium Theater, and shares his first impressions.

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Griot the NPC

SevyPlays recently released a video titled ‘NEW ENDGAME! Imaginarium Theater: How It Works & First Impressions | Genshin Impact 4.7’, where he explores the basics of Genshin Impact’s newest endgame mode, Imaginarium Theater. In this video, SevyPlays provides viewers with a comprehensive overview of the mode, including its rules, party setup, and tips for success.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Imaginarium Theater is Genshin Impact’s new permanent endgame mode
  • Each season of Imaginarium Theater has character restrictions
  • The mode offers three difficulty levels: easy, normal, and hard
  • Building a wide roster of characters is crucial for success in Imaginarium Theater

Imaginarium Theater’s Basic Rules and Guidelines

SevyPlays explains that each season of Imaginarium Theater comes with restrictions on which characters can be used. In the current season, players are limited to pyro, electro, and animal characters, with a few exceptions. The mode offers three difficulty levels: easy, normal, and hard, each with a different number of combat performances and boss fights. Hard mode requires a total of 18 characters at least level 70 to participate.

Party Setup and Character Restrictions

SevyPlays walks viewers through the party setup in Imaginarium Theater. Players start with a set of opening characters, known as the principal cast, and can choose from their own builds or trial builds for these characters. Additional characters, known as the alternate cast, can be added to the roster based on the difficulty level. SevyPlays recommends taking advantage of special guest cast members and inviting supporting cast members from friends to diversify elemental reactions.

Imaginarium Theater’s Gameplay and Tips for Success

SevyPlays provides several tips to help players succeed in Imaginarium Theater. He suggests expending Vigor on weaker characters in early fights to save stronger characters for later battles and bosses. He also advises getting to know the choices for the next battle and choosing battles strategically based on elemental matchups. Additionally, he recommends utilizing companion events, leveraging the help of friends’ well-invested characters, and prioritizing easier battles for faster runs.

Comparing Imaginarium Theater to Spiral Abyss

SevyPlays compares Imaginarium Theater to Spiral Abyss, highlighting the differences in gameplay and progression. He notes that Imaginarium Theater rewards horizontal investment in building a wide roster of characters, whereas Spiral Abyss focuses more on vertical investment in optimizing a few well-built teams. The skill and DPS checks in Imaginarium Theater are generally lower, with battles being easier as long as players understand enemy behavior and elemental restrictions. SevyPlays suggests that more replayability elements could be added to incentivize repeated runs in the future.

These are just a few highlights from SevyPlays’ in-depth video on Imaginarium Theater in Genshin Impact. Be sure to check out the full video for a more detailed exploration of this exciting new endgame mode!