Should the Respawn Bug in Apex Legends Stay? Community Debate

Should Apex Legends keep the bug allowing players to keep gun attachments after respawn? The community is divided.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Apex Legends, players have stumbled upon a bug post-patch that lets them keep their gun attachments even after respawning. This unexpected twist has sparked a lively debate among the player base.


  • Some players feel the bug makes death less impactful, encouraging risky play.
  • Others appreciate having fully kitted guns upon respawn, finding it convenient.
  • There are concerns about potential negative long-term impacts on the game’s balance.
  • Opinions are split on whether the bug should be limited to certain game modes.

Players Appreciate the Convenience

One user pointed out, “It feels a lot better… but it feels like they just keep making death less and less impactful.” The bug allows for immediate access to powerful setups upon respawn, changing the dynamics of engagements.

Concerns About Game Balance

Another player highlighted the issue of long-term game health, questioning whether the bug undermines the core gameplay loop of risk and consequence.

Divided Opinions on Implementation

Some players advocate for keeping the bug in certain modes for added convenience, while others argue for a more punishing respawn experience to maintain the game’s integrity.

All in all, the community remains divided on whether this bug should be embraced or fixed. The debate reflects a deeper discussion about the balance between challenge and convenience in Apex Legends.