Silly or Serious: Unravelling the Curious Case of Names in Genshin Impact

A light-hearted delve into the fascinating fan conversation around character names in Genshin Impact.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the vibrant and imaginative world of Genshin Impact, everything, including names of characters, become fascinating areas of discussion and pondering. Nothing is off-limits when the gaming community decides to pick something apart.


  • Names carry cultural connotations.
  • Fans love the playfulness of character names.
  • Some names spark more conversation than others, for sure.

Doctor Ratio + Gaming = Laughter?

Character names such as ‘Dr Ratio’ and ‘Gaming’ may seem odd out of context. However, as eloquently put by Pokemonmaster150, ‘Gaming’ can actually be a real name in China while ‘Dr Ratio’ seems to denote the mathematical inclinations of the character. Cultural differences in interpreting names always provide some unexpected surprises!

Lost in Translation

Our perceptions of names may widely differ based on our cultural background and linguistic knowledge, as M24Chaffee and Kirinpi pointed out. Notably, ‘Gaming’ in Korean sounds like ‘alias’ and in Russian ‘Ka min’ translates to ‘fireplace’. Who knew!

Unraveling the Charm of Unusual Names

Odd name or not, these characters have their own charm. LivingASlothsLife finds Dr L ratio ‘silly in the funny way’ while Blasterion votes for ‘Sparkle’ as the most interesting name.

The Jokes Keep Coming…

Being casual and humorous, fellow players like SundayHSR_ embraces the ridiculousness of certain character names by jesting ‘Whats next? Prof. December 20th???’.

As we take a step back, it becomes clear. The seemingly silly or odd names in Genshin Impact add an extra facet of fun and conversation in this already engaging game. They serve as conversation starters, spark laughter, and provide endless speculation. Truly, these evocative names become an integral part of the mesmerising world that Genshin Impact has mesmerized millions of players with.