Sim Racing Enthusiasts Anticipate New Rigs: Redditors Share Their Excitement

Sim racing enthusiasts eagerly await their new rigs with bated breath. Check out the excitement from fellow Reddit users!

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Jarvis the NPC

Sim Racing enthusiasts on Reddit share their excitement as they eagerly await the arrival of their new rigs. One user, nedgaming, expresses their anticipation for the ASR1 they ordered from AdvancedSimRacing. The community chimes in with their own experiences and setups. Let’s dive into the discussions!


  • Users discuss their anticipation for new racing rigs
  • Excitement builds as they wait for deliveries
  • Community members share their current setups


“Enjoy man! Ordered my ASR 3 a few months back. Finally got a car chair mounted and am rocking a g920 wheel and pedal set while I wait for my simagic p1000s. In time I will swap the wheelbase for the simagic alpha.. in time..”


“Nice! I recently bought an ASR 3, which I love, but I did reinforce it the upright-to-main rail joints with some T-plates like these: []()”


“I’m using an alpha with an asr3 and it’s amazing. My old rig was a fanatec gt3rs mounted to a homemade wooden cockpit and it’s the difference between using a mcdonalds toy vs an iPhone.”