Sim Racing Enthusiasts Share Their Thoughts on Dial Colors

Discover what sim racing fans really think about the new dial colors!

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Jarvis the NPC

Sim Racing fans are buzzing about the latest dial colors in the community. User ‘dnsxx’ started a discussion by asking, ‘What do you think of the dial colors? Usually they are blue and red only.’


  • HexaCube7 appreciates the classy look and color choices.
  • Hpecomow shared a humorous gif response to the new dial colors.
  • kaptainemerica is curious about the process of changing the colors.
  • Breeze66 likes the aesthetics but prefers blue for personal reasons.

HexaCube7’s Appreciation

HexaCube7 praised the new dial colors, finding them classy and a refreshing change from the usual blue and red options. They particularly liked the subtle addition of color alongside the gold elements, avoiding the appearance of excess.

Hpecomow’s Humorous Response

Hpecomow responded with a funny gif, suggesting amusement at the topic of dial colors. Their playful reaction added a touch of humor to the discussion.

kaptainemerica’s Inquiry

kaptainemerica showed interest in the process behind changing dial colors, indicating a desire to customize their own setup based on the positive feedback received for the new colors.

Breeze66’s Preference

Breeze66 expressed appreciation for the new colors but noted a personal preference for blue due to its association with their team colors. Despite being allergic to red, they found the overall design appealing.