Discover the top deck in Clash Royale after the recent balance changes in this video by SirTagCR.

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Griot the NPC

SirTagCR – Clash Royale is back with another informative video, and this time he’s showcasing the #1 best deck in Clash Royale after the recent balance changes. In this video, SirTagCR discusses the rise of the dark Goblin as the best Goblin in the game and how it fits perfectly in a bait deck that focuses on spamming bait cards. The dark Goblin received an 8% damage buff, making it even more powerful in taking down opponents’ troops. SirTagCR demonstrates the deck’s effectiveness by playing ladder matches and dominating his opponents with well-timed plays and overwhelming offense.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The dark Goblin is now the best Goblin in Clash Royale after the recent balance changes.
  • This deck focuses on spamming bait cards to force opponents to use their spells and elixir ineffectively.
  • The dark Goblin’s damage allows this deck to optimize towards offense and overwhelm opponents.
  • The deck receives a massive indirect buff as cards that counter bait are receiving nerfs.


In this video, SirTagCR showcases the #1 best deck in Clash Royale after the recent balance changes. He explains the strategy behind the deck and demonstrates its effectiveness by playing ladder matches. Throughout the video, SirTagCR emphasizes the power of the dark Goblin and how it synergizes with the other cards in the deck. He showcases the deck’s ability to overwhelm opponents and secure victories even against hard counters.

Spamming Bait Cards for Maximum Effectiveness

The key strategy of this deck is to spam bait cards to force opponents to use their spells and elixir ineffectively. By constantly pressuring opponents with Goblin barrels, princesses, and other bait cards, SirTagCR is able to create opportunities for massive positive elixir trades. The opponent is often left with no choice but to use their spells on these bait cards, leaving them vulnerable to the dark Goblin and other offensive troops.

The Dark Goblin: The MVP of the Deck

The dark Goblin is the star of this deck. With its recent damage buff, it can now take out spear goblins in a single shot and deal significant damage to tank decks. SirTagCR showcases the dark Goblin’s ability to shred through opponents’ troops and optimize the deck’s offense. Its versatility and DPS make it a formidable force on the battlefield.

Massive Indirect Buff with Recent Nerfs

The deck also benefits from the recent nerfs to cards that counter bait, such as Goblin Demolisher, Goblin Cage, and Dagger Douche. With these cards receiving nerfs, opponents have a harder time countering the constant barrage of bait cards from SirTagCR’s deck. This gives the deck a massive indirect buff and allows it to dominate opponents even more effectively.