SirTagCR – Clash Royale: Dominating with the Prince Cycle Deck

Discover how SirTagCR dominates the game with a powerful 1.6 elixir Prince cycle deck in Clash Royale.

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Griot the NPC

SirTagCR showcases his dominance in Clash Royale with a 1.6 elixir Prince cycle deck. By utilizing low-cost cards and mirror, he aims to flood the map with Princes and break world records. The Prince’s recent charge buff has made it an unstoppable force, charging 50% faster than before. SirTagCR’s strategy revolves around being aggressive and overwhelming opponents with relentless Prince attacks.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Prince’s charge buff makes it an incredibly powerful card, charging 50% faster than before.
  • SirTagCR’s 1.6 elixir Prince cycle deck focuses on flooding the map with Princes using low-cost cards and mirror.
  • The Goblin Curse spell is a key component of SirTagCR’s strategy, turning enemy troops into goblins for extra damage.

The Power of the Prince:

SirTagCR demonstrates the sheer power of the Prince in Clash Royale. With its recent charge buff, the Prince becomes a formidable force on the battlefield. Charging 50% faster than before, the Prince can quickly eliminate enemy troops and deal massive damage to towers. SirTagCR takes advantage of this by spamming Princes and overwhelming his opponents.

A 1.6 Elixir Prince Cycle Deck:

SirTagCR’s deck focuses on achieving an incredibly low average elixir cost of 1.6. By using low-cost cards such as the Ice Spirit, Skeletons, and Fire Spirit, along with the mirror, SirTagCR can cycle through his deck quickly and deploy multiple Princes simultaneously. This allows him to apply constant pressure and break records in Clash Royale.

Using the Goblin Curse:

The Goblin Curse spell plays a crucial role in SirTagCR’s strategy. By turning enemy troops into goblins, SirTagCR can maximize his damage output and overwhelm his opponents. The Goblin Curse is particularly effective when paired with charging Princes, as it can quickly dispatch enemy units and secure victories.