SirTagCR – Clash Royale: My New Favorite Clash Royale Deck!

Discover SirTagCR's new favorite Clash Royale deck and learn how to dominate your opponents with powerful defensive strategies.

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Griot the NPC

In SirTagCR’s latest video, he shares his new favorite Clash Royale deck that has shot him up to number 98 in the world. This deck utilizes the combination of mortar, goblins, tornado, and executioner to create a powerful defensive strategy that leaves opponents struggling to make any progress. By clumping up your opponent’s cards near their tower and surprising them with splash damage, or by using tornado and lightning to clear away wizards and tanks, you can stack up direct damage and dominate the entire match. SirTagCR demonstrates these strategies in action, showcasing how effective they can be against top-ranked players.

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Key Takeaways:

  • SirTagCR’s new favorite Clash Royale deck combines mortar, goblins, tornado, and executioner.
  • The deck excels on defense, allowing you to stack up direct damage while your opponents struggle to make any progress.
  • Clumping up your opponent’s cards near their tower and surprising them with splash damage is a key strategy in this deck.
  • Using tornado and lightning to clear away wizards and tanks can help you secure a good mortar connection.

The Power of Defensive Strategies

SirTagCR demonstrates the power of defensive strategies in Clash Royale with his new favorite deck. By using cards like tornado and executioner, you can clump up your opponent’s cards near their tower, making it difficult for them to make any progress. This allows you to stack up direct damage and slowly wear down your opponent’s towers while defending against their attacks. The combination of mortar, goblins, and lightning adds another layer of offensive capability to the deck, allowing you to surprise your opponent and secure key tower connections. SirTagCR showcases multiple matches against top-ranked players, highlighting the effectiveness of this strategy.

The Importance of Card Placement

One of the key elements of SirTagCR’s new favorite deck is proper card placement. By strategically placing your cards, you can maximize their defensive and offensive potential. For example, by clumping up your opponent’s cards near their tower with tornado, you can ensure that your splash damage cards like executioner and mortar hit multiple targets. Additionally, lightning can be used to clear away key defensive cards, allowing your mortar to connect with the tower. SirTagCR provides insights into his thought process and card placement decisions throughout the video, offering valuable tips and tricks for players looking to improve their Clash Royale gameplay.

Adapting to Different Matchups

Another important aspect of SirTagCR’s new favorite deck is its versatility. This deck is designed to handle a variety of matchups, including clone decks that are traditionally difficult for lightning-based decks. With cards like executioner and tornado, you have the tools to counter clone decks effectively. SirTagCR showcases a matchup against a clone deck player, demonstrating how he uses tornado and executioner to clean up the opponent’s clone troops and secure the victory. This highlights the deck’s adaptability and its ability to handle different situations and opponents.

SirTagCR’s new favorite Clash Royale deck is a powerful combination of mortar, goblins, tornado, and executioner that excels on defense and allows you to stack up direct damage. By clumping up your opponent’s cards near their tower and surprising them with splash damage, or by using tornado and lightning to clear away key defensive cards, you can dominate your opponents and secure victory. SirTagCR’s gameplay showcases the effectiveness of this deck against top-ranked players, providing valuable insights and strategies for Clash Royale players looking to improve their gameplay.