SkillCapped Valorant Tips Tricks and Guides: MUST Pick Duelists in the New Act!

Discover the top four must-pick duelists in Valorant's new act, including ISO, Jet, Neon, and Phoenix.

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Griot the NPC

When it comes to carrying your team in Valorant, picking the right duelist is crucial. In their latest video, SkillCapped Valorant Tips Tricks and Guides breaks down the top four must-pick duelists in the game’s new act. Let’s dive into their analysis and see which characters you should prioritize.

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Key Takeaways:

  • ISO is a powerful duelist with the ability to put on shields and gain an advantage in duels.
  • Jet offers unparalleled mobility and the ability to take space on a site.
  • Neon’s movement and speed make them a difficult opponent to deal with, especially when combined with a character like Breech.
  • Phoenix is a great choice for players looking to develop their skills and improve their game sense.

ISO: The Game-Breaking Duelist

ISO is currently considered one of the most powerful duelists in Valorant. Their ability to put on shields and gain an advantage in duels makes them a force to be reckoned with. However, ISO’s effectiveness relies heavily on mechanical skill, so it may not be the best choice for players who aren’t confident in their aim. It’s important to use ISO’s ultimate strategically to maximize its value.

Jet: The Versatile Duelist

Jet’s mobility and ability to take space on a site make her a dominant duelist in Valorant. She can easily escape unfavorable situations and take advantage of her opponents’ mistakes. Jet’s range advantage with the Operator also makes her a formidable opponent. Pairing her with initiators like Sky or SOVA can lead to devastating team plays.

Neon: The Movement Master

Neon recently received significant buffs, making them a more effective duelist to play. Mastering Neon’s movement is key to unlocking their true potential. Their ability to rotate quickly and catch enemies off guard creates a unique X Factor that can be difficult for opponents to deal with. Neon’s run-and-gun playstyle and evasive movement make them a formidable opponent.

Phoenix: The Fundamental Duelist

Phoenix is a great choice for players looking to improve their game sense and fundamentals. His ability to set up advantageous fights and take control of areas on the map makes him a valuable asset to any team. Phoenix’s versatility allows him to adapt to different situations and fill the roles needed for victory.