Skull and Bones: A Fiery Encounter and the Bullies on Server

Being destroyed by a lvl 8 flamethrower in the Skull and Bones game proves to be a frustrating ordeal with a sprinkle of bugs.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Skull and Bones, danger lurks at every turn. For one unlucky player, TheJumboman, their encounter with a lvl 8 flamethrower quickly turned into a nightmare. Just 10 seconds after leaving the safe zone, TheJumboman found themselves obliterated. To make matters worse, the game bugged out, leaving them unable to respawn. The frustration grows as they ponder how to progress when the servers are filled with bullies.


  • TheJumboman encounters a lvl 8 flamethrower and is unable to respawn due to a bug.
  • The frustration of dealing with bullies on the server raises questions about progress.


1. Ok_Care8878: “I had this, took a few attempts, but they left in the end.”

2. oh6arr6: “You need to explain to me how you are getting bullied in a 5 minute long opt-in PVP map minigame. You literally have to join the event to receive pvp damage.”

3. Basic-Satisfaction62: “I mean it’s a pvp event, if you’re not strong enough, don’t do the event?”

4. Trauma650: “This is truly a git gud moment as there is no open world pvp.”

Skull and Bones evokes a sense of danger and excitement, but it seems that not everyone is able to handle the challenges that come their way. While bugs can be expected in a beta version, TheJumboman’s experience of being destroyed and unable to respawn highlights the frustrations players can face. The addition of bullies on the server only exacerbates the situation, leaving players questioning how to progress. As fellow gamers, it’s important to remember that empathy and understanding can go a long way in making the gaming community a welcoming and enjoyable space for everyone.