Skull and Bones: A Hidden Gem in the Sea of Ubisoft Games

Discover why Skull and Bones is surprising gamers in the Reddit community with its unique gameplay and unexpected depth.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a game that has surpassed the expectations of many players in the gaming community. When it was first announced, it seemed like just another Ubisoft game with a map full of ADHD-fueled activities. However, as players delved into the game, they discovered a hidden gem that offers a refreshing and immersive experience.


  • The game starts off with mixed impressions, but it gradually captivates players with its unique elements and surprises.
  • Building and customizing your ship unlocks new gameplay possibilities and keeps players engaged.
  • Despite similarities to Sea of Thieves, Skull and Bones offers its own distinct experience that sets it apart.
  • The game’s value and worth vary among players, with some considering it an instant buy, while others prefer to wait for discounts.

A Hidden Gem in the Sea:

Skull and Bones surprised players with its depth and engaging gameplay. One Reddit user, Decado7, initially had zero interest in the game. However, after giving it a chance, they were pleasantly surprised. The opening ship battle and first port experience may have been underwhelming, but as Decado7 continued playing, they discovered that the game opens up and offers a unique sailing experience.

Another user, jsepe863, echoed the same sentiment. They admitted to hating the game at first, even though they loved Black Flag. However, something clicked when they started building their ship, and now they can’t stop playing. The game’s depth and the ability to upgrade and customize your ship were major selling points for these players.

Value and Worth:

While many players were pleasantly surprised by Skull and Bones, there were differing opinions regarding its value. Some players, like thc42, felt that the game was decent but not worth the full price. They suggested that it could be enjoyable for a month with the Ubisoft subscription. On the other hand, CanadaX21 mentioned that the game became increasingly enjoyable the longer they played, but they still did not believe it was worth the initial asking price of $90 CAD. They suggested a lower price threshold of $50-$60 CAD to consider it an instant buy.

However, FakeFramesEnjoyer urged players to form their own opinions rather than relying on the negativity often found on Reddit and other hivemind communities. They highlighted the importance of giving games a fair chance and not getting swayed by the hateboner circlejerks.

In conclusion, Skull and Bones has proven to be a hidden gem in the sea of Ubisoft games. While it may not appeal to everyone, the game offers a unique sailing experience with surprising depth. Despite initial mixed impressions, players have discovered the joy of building and upgrading their ships and exploring the immersive world. The game’s value and worth vary among players, with some willing to pay full price and others waiting for discounts. Ultimately, Skull and Bones is an experience best discovered firsthand, as it may exceed expectations and provide hours of enjoyment.