Skull and Bones: A Major Letdown or Hidden Gem?

Is Skull and Bones the pirate experience we've been waiting for or a disappointment? Reddit users share their opinions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones has been a highly anticipated game for many players, with its promise of a realistic pirate experience. However, a recent Reddit post by user MNVikings89 titled ‘I really wanted to like this game’ has sparked a discussion on the game’s shortcomings and whether it lives up to its potential.


  • MNVikings89 expresses disappointment in the lack of land combat, exploration, and treasure hunting in Skull and Bones.
  • The absence of cooperative gameplay features like shared ships and the ability to swim in the water is also criticized.
  • PvP is deemed non-existent, making gameplay repetitive and boring.

Forced PvP or Accessible Casual?

User PIXYTRICKS argues against forced PvP, stating that it would discourage players from purchasing the game. They believe accessibility is key to its success, similar to games like Caribbean Legend. PvP should be optional or limited to instances areas or events, rather than gating endgame content.

User RoanWoasbi shares their inability to enjoy the game due to rigid character movement, lackluster minigames, and the feeling of being confined to the boat. While glad if others find enjoyment, they personally can’t force themselves to like it.

Additions, Fixes, and Price Concerns

Legitimate-Site588 hopes that Skull and Bones will offer more variety and substance upon release, pointing out the need for fixes in certain missions. They highlight the game’s price tag as a drawback, potentially deterring potential buyers due to its perceived value.

User fond-of-hats commends MNVikings89 for acknowledging that enjoyment is subjective and encourages players to have differing opinions.

A Reality Check for Pirates

Ruthless4u adds a different perspective, noting that the game’s lack of realism is actually in line with the majority of pirate experiences. The absence of land combat and treasure hunting reflects the reality of piracy.

Skull and Bones vs. Sea of Thieves

Either-Tradition9181 expresses their preference for Skull and Bones over Sea of Thieves, citing the latter’s negative aspects as the reason for their choice.

While opinions on Skull and Bones may vary, it’s clear that the game has not fully met the expectations of some players. However, with potential additions, fixes, and a focus on accessibility, there is still hope for the game to shine as a unique pirate experience.