Skull and Bones: A Nickel Hunt for Crowbar III

Looking for nickel in Skull and Bones? Read this post to find out where to get it and what other players have to say.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the open-world pirate game, Skull and Bones, players are on the hunt for resources, including nickel. But where can you find this elusive metal? A Reddit post by gojensen raises the question of where to find nickel and how to progress in the game.


  • Use the codex to track materials. Open the map and scroll to the raw materials tab to find nickel.
  • Unload your building materials onshore to make space for more resources. Nickel may be found northeast of Madagascar where there are level 8 ships.
  • Search for nickel in the Lake Buri and Pembe regions on the Coast of Africa.
  • Head to ziwa kubwa, specifically Harufu, in the extreme west of the map to find nickel below one of the bounty captains.

Track Mats and Unload Building Materials

Sweets589 suggests using the codex in Skull and Bones to track materials. By opening the map and selecting the raw materials tab, players can locate nickel and other resources they may need. This feature provides an easy way to stay organized and ensure you have the necessary materials to progress in the game.

Find Nickel Near Madagascar

TheRavaged shares a helpful tip for finding nickel in Skull and Bones. By unloading building materials onshore, players can make space to collect more resources, including nickel. The user suggests heading northeast of Madagascar where they encountered level 8 ships, which may be a hot spot for finding the elusive metal.

Nickel Foundries in Africa

In response to gojensen’s post, IceSanta points out that nickel can be found in the Lake Buri and Pembe regions on the Coast of Africa. These regions offer players a chance to collect the much-needed material and progress in the game.

Harufu Holds Nickel Bounty

Mindless_Ad439 shares a specific location where nickel can be found in Skull and Bones. According to the user, players can head to ziwa kubwa, specifically Harufu in the extreme west of the map, and search below one of the bounty captains to find nickel. This tip provides a focused area for players to search and obtain the necessary resources.

Shipping Lanes to the Rescue

Humans_Are_Idiots offers a quick solution for finding nickel in Skull and Bones – shipping lanes. By utilizing the shipping lanes, players may come across nickel and other valuable resources to aid in their pirate adventures. This tip provides a general strategy that players can employ to increase their chances of finding the elusive material.

So, if you’re on the hunt for nickel in Skull and Bones, there are several strategies players have shared on Reddit. Whether you use the codex to track materials, unload building materials to make space for more resources, explore specific regions in Africa, or utilize the shipping lanes, there are various paths to collect nickel and progress in the game. Happy hunting, pirates!