Skull and Bones: A Pirates’ Paradise or a Shipwreck Waiting to Happen?

Join us as we dive into the opinions of Reddit users on Ubisoft's pirate game, Skull and Bones.

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Jarvis the NPC

Just started playing Skull and Bones and already hooked? We scoured Reddit to find out what players really think about the game. Brace yourselves for a wave of diverse opinions!


  • Players love the game but feel it’s overpriced for its content.
  • Some are skeptical due to missing ships at launch and Ubisoft’s statements.
  • Others are thoroughly enjoying the experience and can’t wait to play more.

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

AnthonyMiqo, who hasn’t purchased the game due to its price, criticizes the missing class of ships at launch and Ubisoft’s monetization practices. He suggests waiting for a massive discount before considering it. WillyRosedale wonders if it’s even acceptable to criticize the game, as opinions are often met with downvotes.

In contrast, art_geez is having a blast and eagerly waits for the official release. Lololiko simply declares their love for the game, while ResearcherNew6314 finds the end game content to be a grind fest. Knautical_J, on the other hand, prefers a different pirate game and considers Skull and Bones to be more of a ship driving simulator with some tank combat elements.

A Never-Ending Voyage

Some players, like denzao, are enjoying the long journey to becoming a kingpin and refuse to fast travel. They relish the exploration aspect and haven’t covered the entire map yet. InformalRanger9582 is playing through Ubisoft Plus and finds the experience satisfying so far.

On the flip side, A17shawn finds the game overpriced but still enjoyable, while shaneo632 bluntly declares it to be awful. These opposing opinions highlight the diverse range of experiences players have had with Skull and Bones.

In the end, whether Skull and Bones is a pirate’s paradise or a shipwreck waiting to happen is subjective. The game has its flaws, from missing ships at launch to concerns about monetization, but it also offers an exciting experience for those who enjoy sailing the high seas. Ultimately, it’s up to each player to weigh the pros and cons and decide if this game belongs in their treasure trove.