Skull and Bones: A Pirate’s Tale of Disappointment

Has the long-awaited Skull and Bones lived up to its hype or left fans feeling like they've been robbed?

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones, the highly anticipated pirate game, has finally set sail in the gaming world. But has the wait been worth it? Reddit user CashewSwagger seems to have mixed feelings about the game’s beta version.


  • The gameplay loop in the beta version is repetitive and lacks depth.
  • The open world feels empty with little incentive for exploration.
  • The absence of melee combat and boarding mechanics leaves much to be desired.
  • The level system restricts player freedom and immersion in the game world.

Opinions from Long-time Fans:

Reddit user Samsquanch-01 expresses disappointment with the lack of character customization options, particularly the absence of beards in a pirate-themed game. They speculate that the missing feature may be sold in the cash shop, leaving players unsatisfied.

Random_Particle sheds light on the issue of instant gratification in modern gaming. While the repetitive questing and fast-paced progression may appeal to some gamers, others yearn for more depth and complexity. The comment highlights the clash between player preferences and the sales-driven mentality of game development companies.

takeheedyoungheathen echoes the sentiment that Skull and Bones falls short of what made its predecessor, Black Flag, great. The naval combat has been simplified to a point-and-click mechanic, and the immersive features, such as walking around the ship and interacting with NPCs, have been removed. For a pirate game, it lacks the pirate experience.

Ultimately, while Skull and Bones excels in certain aspects like sailing mechanics, graphics, shanties, and world events, it fails to deliver the rich and immersive pirate experience fans were hoping for. The gameplay loop, lack of exploration incentives, absence of melee combat, and arbitrary level system leave players feeling underwhelmed. CashewSwagger, like many long-time fans of Black Flag, is skeptical about spending $70 on a game that falls short of expectations.