Skull and Bones: A Ridiculous Problem Prevents Progression

One player's frustration with a main storyline mission in Skull and Bones highlights a ridiculous bug that hampers gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Skull and Bones, a player named Far-Football-6675 pre-ordered the game to get a head start on missions and infamy, only to encounter a frustrating bug during an important mission. Despite reaching out to Ubisoft for a solution, they have yet to fix the issue, leaving the player unable to progress.


  • Pre-ordered game to jumpstart missions and infamy
  • Encountered bug during main storyline mission
  • Reached out to Ubisoft for assistance, still waiting for a fix

Frustration Mounts for Impacted Players

Far-Football-6675’s frustration is shared by other players, as seen in the comments. User alphaomega4201 offers a question: “Where did you look for it?” This suggests that the missing item may not be so easily found. Random_Particle, on the other hand, claims to have found the item after a while, stating, “Took a while to spot it as it looks like a pretty generic item.” This implies that the issue may be related to the item’s visibility or description.

A Bug-Filled Experience

User French_Riots expresses a common sentiment among players: dissatisfaction with the state of the game. They sarcastically remark, “Sounds about what you’d expect from a quadruple A game 🤡,” indicating that the bug in question aligns with their negative perception of Skull and Bones.

Despite the frustration, Ubisoft’s response to the problem suggests awareness of the issue. However, the lack of a prompt fix and the ongoing hindrance to players’ progression paints a frustrating picture.

While bugs are not uncommon in new games, Far-Football-6675’s experience highlights the importance of fixing major issues in the main storyline missions promptly. This not only impacts the affected player but may also discourage others from purchasing the game or pre-ordering in the future.