Skull and Bones: A Serious Bug in the Play 3 Days Early Version

Find out why players are concerned about a bug in the 'play 3 days early' part of Skull and Bones.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is an upcoming pirate-themed video game that has generated a lot of excitement among gamers. However, a recent Reddit post has raised some concerns about a bug in the ‘play 3 days early’ version of the game.


  • Players are experiencing a bug related to rum and sugar cane missions.
  • The bug is causing frustration among players who are unable to progress in the game.
  • Some players are hopeful that the bug will be fixed before the full release.

Common Bug:

According to user CrustyTuna420, the bug related to rum and sugar cane missions is currently one of the most common and reported issues in the game. This bug has affected multiple players, leading to frustrations and concerns.

Another user, TheRavaged, suggested a possible solution for the bug. They mentioned that leaving the game and relaunching it fixed the issue for them. While this solution may not work for everyone, it provides a temporary workaround for those experiencing the bug.

Minor Issues:

One player, False-Pomegranate329, mentioned having additional minor issues in the game, such as being unable to open heavy chests. They expressed hope that these minor issues would be addressed in the full release of the game.

Incomplete System:

ThrottleFox1 speculated that the bug could be a result of half of the system being missing, which could cause the game to malfunction. This theory suggests that the bug is a result of incomplete development rather than an intentional feature in the game.

The bug in the ‘play 3 days early’ version of Skull and Bones has caused frustration among players who are eagerly awaiting the full release. While some players have found temporary solutions, such as relaunching the game, others are hoping for a fix before the game’s official launch. These concerns highlight the importance of thoroughly testing games before their release to ensure a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience for players.