Skull and Bones: A Simple Kind of Man’s Addiction

Discover the addictive nature of Skull and Bones through the personal experiences of players and their opinions on its value.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a highly anticipated game that has generated a lot of buzz in the gaming community. In a recent Reddit post, user Daeaeaene shared their personal experience with the game, revealing their initial skepticism and eventual addiction.


  • User Daeaeaene was initially hesitant to preorder Skull and Bones due to their disappointment with Anthem.
  • After playing the game’s open beta, Daeaeaene quickly became hooked, sinking countless hours into sailing and exploring.
  • Another user shared a similar obsession, with their playtime stretching from 8 pm to nearly midnight.
  • Some users expressed concerns over the game’s pricing, feeling it may not be worth the high cost.

Reveling in Addiction

Daeaeaene’s post encapsulates the journey of many gamers who have been burned by the disappointment of previous releases. Their vow to never preorder again, born from the Anthem debacle, rings true for many others.

However, Daeaeaene’s skepticism was quickly shattered after indulging in the open beta of Skull and Bones. The allure of sailing and exploring the vast oceans of the game proved irresistible.

Another user, Kwayzar9111, shared their own experience of losing track of time while playing Skull and Bones. The game’s addictive qualities resulted in an evening of unintentional marathoning, leaving the user delightfully surprised.

Is It Worth the Price?

While many players revel in their newfound addiction to Skull and Bones, concerns over its pricing linger. Random_Particle voiced their hesitation, believing the game may not warrant its high price tag.

Blazefighter777 offered an interesting perspective, comparing Skull and Bones to the improved version of Anthem. The anticipation for the game feels like it has stretched for weeks rather than just a few days.

All in all, the sentiment surrounding Skull and Bones is primarily positive. The addictive nature of the game, as summarized by user experiences, showcases its potential to become a favorite among gamers.

Whether the game justifies its higher price point is up for debate, but it is clear that Skull and Bones has captured the attention and loyalty of players who seek adventure on the high seas.