Skull and Bones: Adding the Option to Deploy the Dhow from Bigger Ships

Discover the community's desire to have the option to deploy the dhow from larger ships in Skull and Bones.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is an upcoming pirate-themed video game that has generated a lot of excitement among gamers. Fans have been actively discussing the game on various online platforms, including Reddit. One particular post on the Skull and Bones subreddit caught my attention, as it highlights a feature many players are eager to see in the game.


  • Community members desire the option to deploy the dhow from larger ships.
  • Some players express their wish to hunt whales using the dhow.
  • Comparisons are drawn to similar mechanics in previous pirate-themed games.

The Desire for Ship Deployment

One user, Suter_Templar, suggests the inclusion of an option to deploy the dhow from larger ships in Skull and Bones. They propose having it as a furniture piece that allows players to carry the dhow as part of their cargo. Other players, such as Ducimus88, express their agreement, stating their disappointment at missing out on opportunities to hunt whales when not on the dhow itself.

Jiggaboy95 shares a similar sentiment, suggesting that if larger ships are available in the game, it would make sense to have the option to deploy smaller boats like the dhow. They draw a comparison to a similar mechanic in the game Black Flag, stating that it shouldn’t be too hard to implement.

Evoking Black Flag Nostalgia

The mention of Black Flag, a highly acclaimed pirate-themed game, often surfaces in discussions surrounding Skull and Bones. Many players fondly remember the ability to sail on the Jackdaw, a larger ship that also carried smaller boats. Jiggaboy95’s comment reflects a desire for the familiar functionality, as they believe it would enhance the immersion and gameplay experience.

Another user, Ducimus88, further supports this sentiment by mentioning the excitement of hunting whales from the smaller dhow boat. Their comment reveals a longing for an opportunity to engage with the game’s environment in a more diverse and dynamic way.

Anticipation and Expectations

The desire for the option to deploy the dhow from larger ships in Skull and Bones highlights the enthusiasm and anticipation that the community holds for this upcoming game. Players are hoping for a rich, immersive experience that allows them to explore the open seas and engage in various activities, such as whale hunting. The comparisons to Black Flag only serve to enhance these expectations, as players reminisce about past enjoyment and express their desire for similar mechanics.

Skull and Bones has the potential to deliver an exciting and engaging pirate experience, but it remains to be seen if the developers will listen to the community’s requests. The suggestion to include the option to deploy the dhow from larger ships seems reasonable, considering the mechanics present in other pirate-themed games. Let’s hope that the developers take note of these discussions and consider implementing this feature, allowing players to fully immerse themselves in the pirate lifestyle.