“Skull and Bones”: An Unforgettable Visual Experience

Ubisoft's "Skull and Bones" game is visually stunning, but does it live up to the hype? Reddit users share their thoughts and experiences.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of gaming, visuals can make or break a game. And when it comes to Ubisoft’s “Skull and Bones,” there’s no denying that it is a feast for the eyes. Reddit user Brittish_Rogue recently shared their experience with the game, praising its stunning graphics and attention to detail.


  • Ubisoft excels at art design, graphics, and world detail.
  • The game’s visual beauty is undeniable.
  • Some users praise the game’s visuals while others find flaws in certain aspects.

The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful:

While many gamers agree that “Skull and Bones” is undeniably stunning to look at, opinions on the game’s visuals are not unanimous. One Reddit user, anarchyguru, admits to being captivated by the visuals but points out that the chaos of battle can sometimes obstruct their view: “True. But when in battle with many ships I can’t see shit.” It seems that while the game delivers on the visual spectacle, some gameplay elements may overshadow the graphics.

Another user, Tockson15, humorously highlights the juxtaposition between the game’s impressive ship designs and the dated appearance of non-playable characters in town: “That’s until you realize that the NPCs in town are from 2010 graphics XD.” This comment brings a lighthearted perspective to the discussion, acknowledging that while the game excels in some areas, there may be room for improvement in others.

The conversation takes a turn when jmk-1999 brings up the issue of character designs, specifically in games like “AC Origins” and “Valhalla”: “They’re not so great with character designs though. Looking at NPCs is like nightmare fuel.” This comment highlights the discrepancy between the attention to detail in the game’s visuals and the less impressive character designs.

JackMFMcCoyy adds another humorous critique, focusing on the character facial hair: “How about the character facial hair that looks like a 4-year-old drew it on?” This observation further emphasizes that even in a visually stunning game, there may be specific elements that fall short.

An Honest Appraisal:

While there are differing opinions on specific visual aspects, there is one sentiment that emerges from the discussion: buyer’s remorse. User WisethePlagueis questions whether these critiques could stem from a defense mechanism to cope with buyer’s remorse: “Is this a defense mechanism of buyer’s remorse?” This raises an interesting point about how our expectations and perceptions of a game’s visuals can be influenced by our investment in it.

One user, honestlyboxey, even draws a comparison to another Ubisoft game, “Assassin’s Creed Odyssey,” and notes that despite its release six years ago, it still manages to provide a visually enjoyable experience on the Xbox: “Getting a similar experience with Assassin’s Creed Odyssey right now. Released 6 years ago, upgraded later on Xbox.” This suggests that while “Skull and Bones” offers stunning visuals, they may not be groundbreaking in comparison to other games in the same genre or from the same developer.

There will always be varying opinions when it comes to visual design in video games. While some users find “Skull and Bones” to be visually striking, others point out flaws and inconsistencies. Ultimately, the beauty of the game lies in the eye of the beholder, and each player’s experience may differ.