Skull and Bones: Anyone compiling merchant/trade info?

Looking for players compiling merchant/trade info for Skull and Bones. Join forces and share your findings!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you an aspiring merchant in Skull and Bones, looking to compile trade information and collaborate with others? Look no further! We stumbled upon a Reddit post where fellow players are discussing the idea of compiling merchant/trade information and sharing it with the community. Check it out:


  • Fellow players are looking to collaborate and share merchant/trade information for Skull and Bones.
  • There is a discussion about whether prices in the game will remain static or constantly fluctuate.

Merchant/Trade Collaboration

One player, zetsey, has started a thread on the Skull and Bones subreddit, asking if anyone else is compiling merchant/trade info for the game and would like to share or collaborate. This is a great opportunity for players who enjoy the economic side of games to come together and pool their knowledge.

Pricing Dynamics

One commenter, Thorakadhis, finds zetsey’s idea interesting and wonders if prices will remain the same every 7 days. They appreciate zetsey’s work and are curious about the future price fluctuations in the game. However, another user, h1merus, believes that prices in Skull and Bones will rise and fall constantly, challenging Thorakadhis’ assumption.

It’s clear that players are intrigued by the idea of compiling merchant/trade info for Skull and Bones. Whether prices remain static or fluctuate, there seems to be a thirst for knowledge and collaboration within the community. Who knows, this could lead to a comprehensive guide or even a dedicated website for trade in the game. Keep an eye on the Reddit thread and join the conversation if you’re interested in contributing!