Skull and Bones: Anyone else getting this on their screen all game?

Is anyone else constantly seeing a notification on their screen in Skull and Bones? Find out what the community has to say about this bug.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones, the highly anticipated pirate-themed video game, has been causing some frustration among players recently. Numerous posts have popped up on the Skull and Bones subreddit, with players sharing their experiences of a persistent notification appearing on their screens throughout the game. Let’s dive into what the community has to say about this bug.


  • The bug sometimes triggers the Death Mark, leading to higher-level pirates chasing and attacking players.
  • Some players have experienced the bug as they reach a certain point in the game.
  • There are instances where the notification appears constantly but nothing actually happens.
  • Players have reported that ignoring the notification eventually makes it disappear.

Community Experiences:

One user, maak0, shared their experience of the bug triggering the Death Mark and causing relentless pirate attacks:

“Actually i can confirm that sometimes it actually triggers and Death Mark is set on you. There will be higher level pirates chasing your sorry ass trying to kill you. I have had it happen few times… Good thing is that those pirates drop alot of nice things if u manage to kill em.”

Another player, Random_Particle, acknowledged it as a known bug they encountered:

“Known bug. I got it last night.”

Some players, like GamerbearAmargosa, mentioned that the bug appears and disappears sporadically without any consequences:

“Yeah, a bug once you reach a certain point. It comes and goes. xD Nothing happens.”

Meanwhile, other users, like Aggravating_Pin_237, found that ignoring the notification eventually causes it to disappear:

“Yeah, I ignored it and it went away.”

One player, Nikonthenet, described an encounter with Rogue ships and how the notification continuously switched between marked and expired:

“I had this as I headed east towards the world event marker, ghost thingy. The Rogue ships made quick work of me despite thinking I was safe. The notice would switch from marked to expired every 20 seconds or so.”

Another player, tipasa1337, expressed curiosity about what triggers the bug:

“Does anyone know what triggers this in the first place? I’ve never noticed any ‘marks’ on me but I sure get this same bug notifying me a thousand times I’m no longer marked…”

So, it seems like this persistent notification bug in Skull and Bones is causing mixed experiences for players. While some encounter intense pirate attacks, others see the notification come and go without any real impact. Ignoring the bug seems to be a temporary solution for some players, although the trigger for this issue remains unknown. Hopefully, the developers are aware of this bug and working on a fix to improve players’ overall experience.