Skull and Bones: Are 50 Different Items for Ships Redundant?

Is it just me or is the limit of 50 different items for ships in Skull and Bones a bit redundant?

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is an upcoming video game that allows players to engage in epic pirate battles on the high seas. In a recent Reddit post by user Destinyboy21, the question of whether the limit of 50 different items for ships is redundant was raised. The post sparked a lively discussion among players, with various opinions and strategies being shared.


  • Players find the limit of 50 different items for ships to be restrictive and nonsensical.
  • Some suggest dumping excess items in the main city’s storage building.
  • Others argue that the limit adds a sense of realism to the game.
  • Some players have been focusing on specific trade routes to work around the item limit.

Why a Limit of 50 Items?

Destinyboy21 expresses frustration with the limit of 50 different items for ships, questioning why such a seemingly arbitrary restriction exists. The player feels that it limits the capabilities of their ship and hampers their gameplay experience. This sentiment resonates with many commenters, who also share similar frustrations.

As one commenter, tipasa1337, suggests, players can dump excess items such as raw materials, construction materials, and guns into the storage building in the main city whenever they visit. This allows them to free up space on their ship for more essential items and resources.

Juiceman730, however, argues that the limit serves to add a sense of realism to the game. In real life, ships have limited storage capacity, and the game aims to replicate this aspect. While some players may find it frustrating, this limitation adds an additional layer of challenge and strategy.

Working Around the Item Limit

Players have come up with various strategies to work around the restrictiveness of the 50-item limit. New_Pen1933 shares their approach of focusing on monitoring one or two nearby trade routes that primarily offer a limited number of different items. By doing so, they can ensure that they are not exceeding the item limit while still acquiring valuable resources. This method has proven successful for them, allowing them to accumulate wealth and goods.

While it may seem obvious, as New_Pen1933 acknowledges, this strategy highlights the necessity of adapting one’s gameplay to the limitations imposed by the game. Rather than viewing the item limit as a hindrance, players can find ways to optimize their gameplay experience and overcome the challenges presented.

In conclusion, the limit of 50 different items for ships in Skull and Bones has generated mixed opinions among players. Some find it to be redundant and limiting, while others appreciate the added realism and strategic element it brings to the game. Ultimately, players have devised various techniques to navigate around the limitation and make the most of their pirate adventures on the high seas.