Skull and Bones: Are Culverins the Next Meta?

Will Culverins become the new meta in Skull and Bones? Players discuss the potential tweaks and changes in this subreddit thread.

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you still cruising the virtual seas in Skull and Bones and wondering if culverins might rise to popularity? A player shares their thoughts on these cannons and sparks a lively discussion among the community.


  • Players debate the potential of culverins becoming a more attractive choice in the game.
  • Speculation arises about future updates and the possibility of culverins being buffed.
  • Some players already enjoy using culverins for their unique playstyle and visuals.

Players’ Expectations

Players express their hopes for culverins becoming a more viable option in the game due to their visual appeal and exciting gameplay mechanics.

Future Development Predictions

Speculation runs wild as players predict potential updates that could make culverins a stronger choice in the game.

Culverins Enthusiasts

Some players already prefer using culverins for their playstyle and effectiveness, showcasing their commitment to these cannons.

Do you think Skull and Bones will see a shift in the meta with culverins leading the charge? Players discuss their hopes and predictions for the future of naval combat in the game.