Skull and Bones: Are Gamers Just Snowflakes?

Are gamers today just a bunch of snowflakes? Find out what the Reddit community has to say about the grinding mechanics in Skull and Bones.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a highly anticipated naval game that has garnered attention for its grinding mechanics in the endgame. In a recent Reddit post titled “Maybe I am old, maybe you are snowflakes,” user Loevring shares their frustration with the complaints about the tedious grinding in the game.


  • Many gamers argue that the grinding in Skull and Bones is nothing compared to the old days of Ultima Online and World of Warcraft.
  • Some players appreciate the slower pace and find enjoyment in the smuggling empire aspect of the game.
  • Others believe that games have evolved and should offer more efficient and engaging gameplay experiences.

Are Gamers Just Snowflakes?

Goatface-E3 agrees with Loevring’s sentiment, stating that many games they loved had a grind for endgame rewards, and gamers nowadays want instant gratification.

Notjohnstockton mentions World of Warcraft and its hours of grinding professions, emphasizing that Skull and Bones has it easy in comparison.

Electrical-Horse-269 reminisces about the days of Ultima Online and understands Loevring’s frustration.

However, Raidenz258 argues that comparing an old open-world MMO to a 20-player matchmaking seasonal game is not fair.

Progression or Stagnation?

Fauxlaroid acknowledges that games have progressed over the past 30 years and that tedious mechanics are not necessarily a sign of improvement.

DarthSet highlights their decision not to play as a form of protest due to faction cuts in the game.

Captain_andrey believes that the issue is not the grind itself but the lack of a reason to grind and the lack of content compared to other MMOs.

itherzwhenipee adds a lighthearted “ok boomer” comment, suggesting a generational divide in gaming preferences.

AwfulishGoose shares their experience with Monster Hunter and how quality of life changes can improve gameplay without removing core mechanics.

Overall, the Reddit community’s responses to Loevring’s post are mixed, with some empathizing with the frustrations of grinding, while others advocate for a more modern and engaging gaming experience. It seems that the sentiment is divided between those who appreciate slower-paced gameplay and those who desire more efficient progression.