Skull and Bones: Are Rogue Ships OP?

Players express frustration with the overpowered nature of rogue ships in Skull and Bones, hindering their ability to progress.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Skull and Bones, players are taking to Reddit to share their frustrations with the power of rogue ships. It seems that these tiny vessels are causing major problems for players, with some even being wiped out in just two shots. Let’s dive into the Reddit post and comments to see what players have to say.


  • Rogue ships are dealing excessive damage, making them difficult to defeat.
  • Players are losing valuable items and resources due to these overpowered ships.
  • Some players find it frustrating that rogue ships spawn in large numbers, overwhelming them.

Players Share Their Frustrations:

One player shares their experience of losing 638 pieces of eight and other important items to a tiny rogue ship that 2-shotted them, draining both their brace and hull health. They express frustration at not being able to engage in endgame content due to the power of rogue ships. Another player suggests targeting the smaller ships before the bigger ones to avoid excessive damage.

Another comment explains that rogue sharpshooters deal significant damage because they are designed to focus on hitting weak points, and the front and back of the player’s ship happen to be vulnerable areas. However, they agree that the damage output should be adjusted to avoid wiping out a large amount of EHP in just two shots.

One player shares their disappointment with the game, stating that it takes a sharp turn for the worse at this point. They find it frustrating to gather pieces of eight, as it either involves unpleasant PvP experiences or dealing with overtuned NPCs and uninteresting tasks.

On a more positive note, a player suggests treating the rogue ships like snipers in other games and exterminating them with extreme prejudice. They use targeted torpedoes to quickly sink the rogue ships before they have a chance to deal damage.

Some players express surprise at not encountering the rogue ships as frequently as before, indicating that the developers may have adjusted their spawn rates. However, others mention encountering multiple rogue ships at once, causing a challenging encounter.

A player suggests implementing a feature that provides some safety for inexperienced players or those with poorly equipped ships when leaving certain ports. They faced a situation where numerous rogue ships were waiting just outside the port, leading to the destruction of inexperienced players.

There are also some comments offering advice on how to deal with rogue ships, such as using blocks, using water for a speed boost, or carrying a limited amount of valuable resources to minimize losses.

Overall, players are expressing frustration with the overpowered nature of rogue ships in Skull and Bones. These ships pose a significant challenge and hinder players’ ability to progress. While some players have found strategies to counter them, others still struggle to tackle the threat they pose. It remains to be seen whether the developers will address these concerns and adjust the difficulty of rogue ships in future updates.