Skull and Bones: Are Server Issues Sinking the Ship?

Gamers are facing server issues in Skull and Bones, leaving them all at sea. Is this another case of Ubisoft dropping the ball?

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones players are currently experiencing frustrating server issues that are putting a damper on their gaming experience. Is it just another instance of Ubisoft’s well-documented server problems, or is there something more sinister afoot? Let’s dive into the discussion on the Skull and Bones subreddit to find out.


  • Players across the United States, Europe, and Australia are reporting server connection problems.
  • The issue seems to have been resolved, but some players experienced significant disruptions.
  • Ubisoft’s reputation for server problems is causing frustration and disappointment among Skull and Bones players.

Player Frustration

Skull and Bones players from all over the world are venting their frustration on the subreddit, with many reporting server connection problems. East Coast players in the United States, as well as gamers in Europe and Australia, are all experiencing similar issues.

One player, DonGuerillmo, commented, “Having the same issue rn in East Coast USA,” expressing their annoyance at the connectivity problems. Another player, Avatar_sokka, added, “I am having server issues as well,” clearly indicating that these problems are widespread.

Ubisoft Strikes Again

It’s not surprising that Skull and Bones players are frustrated with the ongoing server issues. Ubisoft has a well-documented history of launching games with unstable servers, and players are tired of encountering these problems.

DiamondBarrage commented, “It’s just Ubisoft being Ubisoft,” highlighting the sentiment among players that Ubisoft is not effectively addressing server stability issues.

A Silver Lining

Fortunately, for many players, the server issues seemed to be resolved after a period of disruption. Scared_Complaint515 posted, “Back online,” signaling that the game was back up and running for them. Others, like Low-Tea7819, also reported that the server was back up.

However, the fact that these issues occurred in the first place is concerning. BananaTiel expressed disappointment, saying, “Shame. I was halfway through delivering the PvP map and it crashed,” underscoring the frustration players feel when their progress is interrupted by server failures.

In conclusion, it appears that Skull and Bones players are facing frustrating server issues that are causing disruptions to their gameplay. While the problems seem to have been resolved for now, the fact that they occurred in the first place is a cause for concern. Ubisoft’s ongoing server problems have left players disappointed and questioning whether the company can deliver a stable gaming experience. Let’s hope they can steer the ship in the right direction and provide a smoother sailing experience for Skull and Bones players.