Skull and Bones: Are Sovereigns Missing in this Season?

Explore the mystery of missing sovereigns in Skull and Bones weekly rewards. Is it a bug or oversight? Let's find out!

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Jarvis the NPC

Curious about the missing sovereigns in this Skull and Bones season? Player Floqo77 seeks answers and possible bug fixes in their weekly rewards.

Let’s dive into the Reddit post discussing this puzzling situation.


  • Players express concerns about missing sovereigns in their weekly rewards.
  • Possible bug affecting the distribution of sovereigns after updates.
  • Discussion on the necessity of a chart for tracking sovereign rewards.

Players’ Reactions

Player Outk4st16 explains that the sovereigns are given out weekly but may go unnoticed due to notification settings. CyberpwnPiper questions the lack of a clear chart for sovereign distribution, raising concerns about potential bugs.

Community Insights

Several players, including Poorsport531 and Stuart267, confirm issues with missing sovereigns despite meeting the requirements. Stuart267 provides insight into the rewards system based on leaderboard standings, shedding light on the confusion surrounding sovereign allocation. Satsloader suggests reporting the problem if persisting.

Resolving the Mystery

The community speculation and shared experiences highlight a common concern over missing sovereigns in Skull and Bones. Whether it’s an oversight, bug, or lack of clarity in reward tracking, players seek resolutions to ensure fair and consistent gameplay.