Skull and Bones: Are the Forts Getting Tougher?

Are the forts in Skull and Bones getting harder with no visible buffs? Reddit users weigh in on the challenges.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones fans are debating whether the forts have become more challenging in recent updates. Some claim the difficulty has increased without clear buffs. Let’s dive into the discussions!


  • Players feel that forts are now harder than before, even with high-level ships
  • Defensive structure damage has been buffed, making the challenge more pronounced
  • Tactics such as focusing on individual towers have become essential

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According to user Father_Giliam, defensive structure damage buffs have made forts tougher to conquer. He notes that the changes in enemy behaviors have also contributed to the heightened challenge

Leucauge points out that specific fort mechanics, like Granbie’s broadside shots, have become significantly more lethal. To succeed, players need to strategize meticulously and dismantle the fort piece by piece