Skull and Bones Beta Ends Today: What Players Think

The Skull and Bones beta ends today at 6PM EST! Find out what players are saying about the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Skull and Bones beta ends today at 6PM EST, and players are sharing their thoughts on Reddit. While some are disappointed by the timing of the beta’s conclusion, others are excited about the progress they’ve made.


  • Players express frustration with the beta ending before the Super Bowl.
  • Some players are relieved they had the chance to make progress before the end of the beta.
  • Players hope that their map progress will carry over to the full game.

Frustration with the Beta Ending

One player, nycblackout89, expressed frustration with the timing of the beta ending right before the Super Bowl. They sarcastically referred to the developers as “good guys,” suggesting that shutting down the beta just before a major event was not a considerate move.

Relief over Achieving Progress

On the other hand, moriarty70 shared their relief at having the opportunity to open a fast travel route to the East the night before the beta ended. They mentioned that they had been working all day and were glad they could make some progress before the beta concluded.

Hopes for Carrying Over Progress

Many players expressed hope that the progress they made in the beta, specifically their map progress, would carry over to the full game. They were excited about the possibility of starting the game with an advantage and not having to redo everything they had already accomplished.

Overall, players have mixed feelings about the Skull and Bones beta ending. Some are frustrated with the timing, while others are relieved they were able to achieve some progress. The hope of carrying over their progress to the full game adds an extra layer of excitement as players eagerly await the official release.