Skull and Bones: Beta Thoughts After Getting to Rank 10

A player dives into the beta of Skull and Bones, experiencing a mix of enjoyment and frustration. Let's explore their thoughts!

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a highly anticipated game that has garnered a lot of attention in the gaming community. Recently, a player named RienJClyde took to Reddit to share their thoughts on the beta version of the game after reaching rank 10. Their experience was a mix of enjoyment and frustration, providing valuable insights into what players can expect from this upcoming pirate adventure.


  • The progression in Skull and Bones feels fast, but it makes crafting and trying new weapons less rewarding.
  • The balance of world event drops seemed off, with some drops being too easy to obtain.
  • Incoming and outgoing damage appears to be more reliant on ship rating than gear, which can limit player weapon choices.
  • Weapon balance and land movement need improvement, and the variety of ships is lacking.

Progression and Crafting:

One notable aspect mentioned by RienJClyde is the fast progression system in Skull and Bones. While it is refreshing to quickly reach higher ranks, it also diminishes the value of crafting new weapons or trying out different ships. The player suggests that spending a bit more time reaching the next rank would make these activities more worthwhile.

World Event Drops:

The balance of world event drops is another area of concern raised by RienJClyde. They found that certain events provided extremely powerful armor and weapons, while others seemed to offer little of interest. This imbalance, combined with the fast leveling, made crafting armor feel unnecessary. While the easy accessibility of drops can be a positive feature, it also removes the incentive to craft items independently.

Incoming and Outgoing Damage:

RienJClyde noticed that the effectiveness of their weapons seemed to depend more on their ship rating than the actual gear. This meant that they were often using weapons they didn’t necessarily want to use in order to increase their ship rating and take on higher level ships. This issue may become less prevalent at endgame, where gear stats are expected to be more influential, but it is still worth noting.

Weapon Balance and Land Movement:

Skull and Bones has some areas that could benefit from improvements in terms of gameplay mechanics. RienJClyde mentioned that some weapon balances felt off, with certain weapons seeming ineffective compared to lower-rated alternatives. Land movement was also criticized, with floaty and unresponsive controls making treasure hunting near camps a frustrating experience. Additionally, player positions sometimes became desynced when attempting to trade, resulting in an awkward back and forth shuffle.

These are just a few of the insights shared by RienJClyde regarding their beta experience with Skull and Bones. While there were a number of concerns raised, it is important to note that they did genuinely enjoy their time with the game and are excited for the full release. With the feedback provided by players like RienJClyde, it is possible that the developers will address these issues and improve the overall gameplay experience before launch.