Skull and Bones: Can a Companion App Fix the Factory Funding Fiasco?

Is a companion app the solution Skull and Bones players need to manage their manufactories? Redditors discuss.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Skull and Bones, managing your manufactory empire is no easy task. With the constant need for funding, players find themselves constantly staring at the map, waiting for the next funding opportunity. But could a companion app be the solution to this problem?


  • Players are frustrated with the need to constantly monitor their manufactories.
  • A companion app would allow players to fund their factories without having the game open.
  • Some feel the game is a cash grab, while others hope for improvement in the future.
  • The development of a companion app may be unlikely due to the struggles the Ubisoft team is already facing.

Inconvenience of Factory Funding:

Skull and Bones players are expressing frustration with the constant need to manually fund their manufactories. Reddit user MilkyBowls suggests that a companion app would be the perfect solution, allowing players to fund their factories without having to constantly keep the game open. This would give players the freedom to engage in other activities while still managing their empire.

RockNDrums agrees, adding that a map within the app would also be a welcome addition. With the app, players could easily check the status of their manufactories and make funding decisions on the go.

In response, Reowyn takes a sarcastic dig at the post, sarcastically commenting on the affordability of the game, suggesting that players should not expect such features in a game of this caliber.

Is it a Cash Grab?

One Reddit user, Kiiena, expresses skepticism about the motives behind the game’s development. They claim that Skull and Bones was created due to external pressure from the Singapore Government and Ubisoft’s own financial needs. Kiiena believes that the game’s focus on generating income for Ubisoft rather than providing an enjoyable experience makes it a soulless cash grab.

On the other hand, Oskar_Petersilie sees the potential value in a companion app, acknowledging that the game already faces its fair share of struggles. They question whether the Ubisoft team would have the resources to develop a second software product. However, Oskar_Petersilie does believe that the app could bring in additional revenue through ads and other monetization methods.

A Possible Solution or a Distant Dream?

While the idea of a companion app to manage manufactories in Skull and Bones seems appealing to players, it may be unlikely to become a reality. With the game already facing challenges in development, allocating resources to create a companion app might not be a top priority for Ubisoft.

Despite this, players continue to voice their frustrations and hopes for improvements in the game. Whether a companion app is the solution or not, Skull and Bones enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting updates and improvements to their manufactory management experience.