Skull and Bones: Can You Sink Ships That Are Being Escorted?

Players express frustration over the inability to counter ship destruction during escort missions in Skull and Bones.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of pirate-themed video games, nothing quite stands out like Skull and Bones. Set on the open seas, players take control of their own pirate ship to engage in swashbuckling adventures. However, recent posts on the Skull and Bones subreddit have highlighted a frustrating issue – the ability to sink ships that are being escorted by other players.


  • Players express frustration over the inability to counter ship destruction during escort missions.
  • Some fear that this issue may lead to griefing and an unbalanced multiplayer experience.
  • Comparisons are drawn to similar problems found in other online games.

Escorting Troubles:

Skull and Bones players have encountered a significant issue where their ships, while being escorted, can be destroyed by other players without any means of defense. This has caused frustration among the community, as they feel helpless in the face of ambushes. Players are concerned that this lack of counterplay may lead to a toxic environment, with griefers taking advantage of the situation to ruin other players’ experiences.

Unbalanced Multiplayer:

The inability to fight back against ship destruction during escort missions raises concerns about the overall balance of the multiplayer mode in Skull and Bones. Without a countermeasure, it becomes easier for griefers to exploit this vulnerability and disrupt gameplay. The frustration expressed by players stems from the fear that this issue may make the multiplayer experience unenjoyable and unfair for those trying to complete their missions.

Similar Problems in Other Games:

Some players draw comparisons between the ship escort issue in Skull and Bones and griefing problems encountered in other online games. One user comments that the situation reminds them of the griefers encountered during the early weeks of Red Dead Online 2. These parallels highlight the importance of addressing this issue swiftly to maintain a positive player experience.

In conclusion, the inability to defend one’s ship during escort missions is a significant concern for players in Skull and Bones. The frustration expressed by the community stems from the fear of a toxic multiplayer environment and an unbalanced gameplay experience. The developers should take note of these concerns and implement countermeasures to prevent instances of ship destruction and griefing. Only then can Skull and Bones provide a fair and enjoyable pirate adventure for all players.