Skull and Bones: Choosing the Perfect Ship Class

Discover the excitement surrounding ship class choices in Skull and Bones and learn what players are hoping to experience in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a highly anticipated video game that has captured the attention of many players. The beta version of the game was so much fun that it left players wanting more. The community is buzzing with excitement as they discuss their ship class/loadout preferences. Let’s dive into the subreddit post to get a glimpse of what players are hoping to experience in the game.


  • Players are excited about various ship classes and loadouts.
  • Support ship options are limited, and players hope for more choices.
  • Some players want to focus on tank builds and close-quarter combat.
  • Others are looking forward to higher-level ship options and playing support roles.

The Pyromancer Ship: Burn in Holy Flames!

One player, HellfireM3, expressed their desire to play the pyromancer ship. They can’t wait to let enemies burn in holy flames. Another player, Nicoredje, agreed and mentioned the need for more healing class ships. Currently, only the cutter ship is available in that category.

Flooding Damage and Speed: The Brigantine

Joshisalobster has an interesting strategy in mind. They want to create a flooding damage build with the fastest ship in the game, the Brigantine. The goal is to catch opponents off guard and wreak havoc with flooding damage.

Missing Man o’ War: A Frigate’s Appeal

A player named PrinceComet expressed their disappointment in the absence of the man o’ war class ship. Instead, they hope to obtain a frigate, which they consider a good alternative. This demonstrates the desire for a wide range of ship choices in the game.

Support Ships for Team Players

Many players enjoy playing support roles in co-op games, and Skull and Bones is no exception. Schoolhouserocky is dedicated to the support ship and hopes that more options will be added in the future. BloodandPastry, who also prefers playing support, was quick to choose the cutter ship but is excited to see what support options await at higher levels.

Dreaming of the Large Ship Class

One player, Some_lost_cute_dude, is eagerly anticipating the large ship class. They’re looking forward to sailing around new players and gaining a sense of satisfaction as a veteran captain.

Tank build with Demi-Cannons and Shotguns

DistinctWear5933 has a unique playstyle in mind. They plan to go for a tank build with demi-cannons and shotguns. Their goal is to absorb damage up close and allow their teammates to unleash devastation without worrying about being overwhelmed.

Fulfilling the Role of Healer/Support

Express_Lobster_5221 wants to be a healer/support debuff ship. They found the fire ship to be tons of fun during the beta but are intrigued to explore the healing and support aspects further.

Players in the Skull and Bones community have varying preferences when it comes to ship class/loadouts. Some crave the power of destructive firepower, while others enjoy providing support and healing to their teammates. As the game progresses and more ship options become available, players hope to find the perfect ship that suits their playstyle. The excitement is palpable, and everyone is eagerly awaiting the release of Skull and Bones to embark on thrilling naval adventures. So, what ship class/loadout are you hoping to play? Share your thoughts in the comments below!