Skull and Bones Crew Mutiny: Toxic Clouds and Cowardly Crews

Discover the frustrations of crew mutiny triggered by toxic clouds and the annoyance of an unsteady crew in Skull and Bones.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever sailed the treacherous waters of Skull and Bones? Crew mutiny may just be waiting around the toxic cloud! Dive into the frustrations of a disappointed captain.


  • Stay alert for crew mutinies triggered by toxic clouds
  • Take necessary precautions to avoid crew fatigue during plague mortar encounters
  • Captains express annoyance and frustration with crew mutiny occurrences

What Triggers Crew Mutiny?

One post author, Palanki96, wonders about the trigger behind crew mutinies, sharing personal experiences of facing mutinies during encounters with Le Peste despite taking precautions. The struggle of understanding the mechanic adds a layer of frustration for players.

Crew Fatigue and Plague Mortars

Another user, slowelantra18, sheds light on the importance of managing crew stamina during intense battles, particularly when facing enemies like Le Peste with their plague mortars. The advice to run food and brace against the drain reflects the strategic depth of Skull and Bones’ gameplay.

Captains’ Venting Frustrations

The original post by Skar_Wolfenstein highlights the emotional impact crew mutinies have on players, with the author expressing annoyance and disappointment at the recurring occurrences. The sentiment of frustration resonates within the community, emphasizing the need for clarity and control over such mechanics.

As Skull and Bones sailors navigate the dangers of the high seas, the unpredictability of crew mutinies serves as a reminder of the challenges awaiting intrepid captains. With toxic clouds and cowardly crews posing obstacles, it’s up to players to steer their ships with skill and resilience, lest mutiny disrupt their voyage once more.