Skull and Bones: Dealing with Takeover Cheaters

Cheating in Skull and Bones is ruining the experience for players. From exploiting game mechanics to using hacks, some players are resorting to unfair tactics.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is an exciting multiplayer pirate game that pits players against each other in thrilling naval battles. However, the game is not without its fair share of cheaters. A recent Reddit post titled ‘Takeover cheaters’ sheds light on the problem and the frustration it’s causing among players.


  • Players are exploiting game mechanics to gain an unfair advantage.
  • New players are being targeted by high-level rogues.
  • Some players are using clever tactics to avoid PvP combat while still gaining rewards.

The Problem with Cheaters

According to the original post by JasonX2000, cheaters in Skull and Bones are resorting to various tactics to gain an unfair advantage. One common exploit involves having a friend act as a shield and not participate in combat, thus avoiding any damage while still being able to freely attack other players and NPC ships.

JasonX2000 expresses frustration at the lack of skill exhibited by these cheaters, stating, ‘Must be a hard life to lack any kind of skill to need for cheating.’ This sentiment is echoed by many other players in the comments section.

In addition to exploiting game mechanics, some players are resorting to straight-up cheating, using hacks and exploits to gain an unfair advantage. Gamingplumber, another Reddit user, reports an exploit where a single shot from an opponent’s ship kills their fully healthed ship instantly, leading to a loss of coins and progress within the game.

Targeting New Players

Gamingplumber also highlights the frustration of new players being targeted by high-level rogues. As soon as they leave the starting area, they are relentlessly attacked by much higher-level players, making it difficult for them to progress and enjoy the game.

One example provided by Gamingplumber is when they were attacked by level 10 rogues during a helm order, with the level 2 and 3 players being instantly shot down. This unfair matchmaking system is discouraging for new players, as they feel they stand no chance against more experienced foes.

Clever Tactics and Unfair Rewards

Another issue mentioned in the comments is players using clever tactics to avoid PvP combat while still gaining rewards. ManyRest3275 mentions a strategy where players stay outside the event area with a healing mortar, healing their party members in the event while avoiding direct PvP engagement.

This tactic can be taken to the extreme, with players using heavily armored ships and healing mortar to tank NPC ships while still healing their allies. This allows them to gain rewards without having to face the risk of PvP combat.

Enjoying Fair and Balanced Gameplay

The prevalence of cheaters and unfair gameplay tactics in Skull and Bones is negatively impacting the overall experience for many players. It’s important for the developers to address these issues and implement measures to detect and prevent cheating.

In the meantime, players must be vigilant and report any suspected cheaters to the game’s support team. It’s crucial for the community to work together to create a fair and balanced playing environment for everyone.