Skull and Bones: Dive into Ship Gunports Discussion on Reddit

Exploring the number of gunports on different ships in Skull and Bones sparks debate among players on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a recent discussion on Reddit, players dove into the details of the gunports on various ships in Skull and Bones. The conversation sparked curiosity and debate among the community as they tried to uncover these specific ship features.


  • Players are eager to learn the exact number of gunports on each ship.
  • Different ships have varying numbers of gunports, leading to speculation and research within the community.
  • The discussion showcases players’ attention to detail and interest in understanding the mechanics of the game.

Players’ Curiosity

Players like Chratis2695 mentioned that you can spot the gunports when checking ship details while equipping guns in the game. This attention to detail highlights the dedication of players to understand every aspect of their chosen vessels. Understanding these nuances could give them a tactical advantage in battles.

Varying Ship Designs

The debate extended to the different ship types, with players discussing the specifics for each one. Vessels like the Brig & Brigantine feature 8 broadsides, whereas ships like the Sambuk, snow, and barque come with 7 broadsides. The ambiguity around ships like Paddy adds an element of mystery, encouraging players to collaborate and share their findings.

Community Collaboration

Players on the subreddit are not just focused on individual gameplay but also on sharing knowledge and helping each other out. The collaborative effort to compile information about gunports reflects a supportive community that values collective learning and exploration.