“Skull and Bones” Early Access: Switch Your Time/Location to New Zealand and Play!

Want to play "Skull and Bones" early? Find out how to do it by switching your time/location to New Zealand!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you excited about the upcoming game “Skull and Bones”? Well, here’s a little tip to satisfy your gaming cravings a bit earlier than expected. Thanks to a Reddit post by user 40ozcolts, we now know that switching your time and location to New Zealand can unlock early access to the game. Intrigued? Let’s dig deeper!


  • By switching your time and location to New Zealand, you can play “Skull and Bones” before its official release.
  • A user named 40ozcolts shared this trick, which has received positive feedback from fellow gamers.
  • Some Reddit users are planning to take a day off work to fully enjoy early access.

How Does It Work?

According to 40ozcolts, the trick is simple. By changing your time and location settings on your gaming device to New Zealand, you can jump ahead in time and access the game early. This is due to the time difference between New Zealand and your actual location. While this method doesn’t guarantee a flawless experience, it’s worth a try if you’re eager to embark on a pirate adventure.

Excitement and Questions:

It’s clear from the comments on the Reddit post that gamers are excited about this early access trick. User Uskentusk expressed gratitude, saying, ‘Thanks!!’ and Collinz_uk humorously pondered whether to call in sick to work just to indulge in the game a little earlier. Others, like flem216, sought confirmation that the trick actually works, asking, ‘Did you actually do this and it works?’

These comments demonstrate the anticipation and desire of gamers to get their hands on “Skull and Bones” as soon as possible.

Final Thoughts:

If you’re a fan of pirate-themed video games and can’t wait to sail the treacherous seas in “Skull and Bones,” the early access trick might be worth a shot. Just remember to switch your time and location settings to New Zealand, and you may be able to embark on your pirate adventure ahead of schedule.