Skull and Bones Endgame Woes and How to Fix them: A Player’s Perspective

Players discuss frustrations with the endgame content in Skull and Bones, offering suggestions for improvement.

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Jarvis the NPC

Captain, we’ve hit turbulent waters in the Skull and Bones endgame as players voice their concerns on Reddit. From lackluster rewards to repetitive dialogue, the community is set on charting a new course.


  • Players seek improved interaction mechanics for responding to distress calls.
  • Frustrations with repetitive dialogue in-game highlight the need for variety.
  • Issues with wind mechanics and NPC behavior detract from the gameplay experience.
  • Players desire more rewarding combat encounters with rogue ships.

Endgame Frustrations

Reading through the reddit post, players express their dissatisfaction with the current endgame content in Skull and Bones. One major grievance revolves around the lack of efficient ways to respond to distress calls. The absence of a streamlined system for aiding fellow players has left many feeling disconnected from the cooperative aspects of the game. Calls for a more user-friendly approach to joining activities on the map and receiving notifications resonate strongly within the community.

Dialogue Dilemmas

Additionally, players point out the monotony in dialogue lines, especially those repeated by NPCs like Yanita. The desire to either disable these repetitive lines or introduce more variety to the character interactions underscores a need for enhanced storytelling and immersion in the game world. The sentiment among players is clear: they crave a more diverse and engaging dialogue experience that complements their gameplay adventures.

Wind Woes and NPC Nuisances

The discussion extends to gameplay mechanics, with players highlighting frustrations related to wind mechanics and NPC behavior. The perceived bias in wind direction based on ship speed adds an element of unpredictability that hampers strategic sailing, particularly in PvP encounters. Furthermore, issues with NPC ship spawns and their ability to engage players even when stationed near settlements disrupt the flow of gameplay, leading to moments of frustration and unnecessary combat distractions.

Rewarding Encounters and Wishlist

Players also express a desire for more rewarding combat encounters with rogue ships, suggesting that sinking these foes should yield tangible benefits such as valuable loot or resources. The lack of incentives for engaging in combat beyond XP points has left players feeling unfulfilled with the current endgame progression. Additionally, the community shares light-hearted requests, like the inclusion of parrot pets and appreciation for small details like tropical bird landings on ships.

As the community navigates the seas of Skull and Bones, their collective feedback illuminates the areas in need of improvement to enhance the overall player experience. With a keen eye on addressing endgame woes, the developers have the opportunity to steer the game towards a more engaging and rewarding voyage for all players.